Descrição do Habitus
At Habitus, share the answers to questions you needed reliable knowledge and professional help with but found it difficult to ask!
Habitus provides topic-specific communities and QnA functions.
- Q&A
You can post questions that require knowledge from experts/experiencers and receive help from other users. Or, you can use your experience and knowledge to answer other questions! Posting verifiable history on your profile will increase the credibility of your answers.
- community
Share your opinions on various agendas and interests with other users in topic-specific communities! Habitus' community is in a thread format, allowing for simple presentation and exchange of opinions.
- my page
This is a place where you can check your activity records, where you can check whether the answers you wrote were accepted, your posting history, and your posts.
Habitus provides topic-specific communities and QnA functions.
- Q&A
You can post questions that require knowledge from experts/experiencers and receive help from other users. Or, you can use your experience and knowledge to answer other questions! Posting verifiable history on your profile will increase the credibility of your answers.
- community
Share your opinions on various agendas and interests with other users in topic-specific communities! Habitus' community is in a thread format, allowing for simple presentation and exchange of opinions.
- my page
This is a place where you can check your activity records, where you can check whether the answers you wrote were accepted, your posting history, and your posts.