Maps, Navigation & Directions é um aplicativo Maps, Navigation & Directions desenvolvido por Maps, Navigation & Directions que pode ser executado em dispositivos móveis, mas usando o melhor emulador de Android - LDPlayer, você pode baixar e jogar Maps, Navigation & Directions no seu computador.
Ao executar Maps, Navigation & Directions no seu computador, você pode navegar claramente em uma tela maior, e controlar o aplicativo com o mouse e o teclado é muito mais rápido do que com o teclado de toque, e você nunca terá que se preocupar com a bateria do seu dispositivo.
Com as funções de múltiplas instâncias e sincronizador, você pode até executar vários aplicativos e contas no seu PC.
E a função de transferência de arquivos torna muito fácil compartilhar imagens, vídeos e arquivos.
Baixe Maps, Navigation & Directions e execute-o no seu PC. Desfrute da tela grande e da alta qualidade do PC!
Maps, Navigation & Directions Free app have many useful features like offline Streets View, Digital Compass and Altimeter, Speedometer and Sensors, Offline Weather and UV Index, Satellites, Area Calculator, GPS tracking Alarm and Traffic Alerts, Maps and Navigation directions, Location History and Level Indicator etc.
Maps, Navigation & Directions is Free, Fast and Detailed. Getting around in town is easier and more personal with gps navigation and route map app. Use free GPS navigation to get driving directions from anywhere to anywhere on the map in this offline directions app. GPS, maps and navigation tools will help you to find your way during travelling easily and offline. Navigation and location tracker app is the perfect solution for international travellers with limited cellular data plans. Using Offline GPS - Maps Navigation & Directions will show you offline routes to get around on a car or bike or using public transport so you can compare these offline routes easily and choose what's the best route for you. This is one of the best offline route planner app.
Maps, Navigation & Directions and route finder uses the reliable GPS navigation with voice guidance in your car for an easier drive around the world. Walk guidance through this offline maps pro app takes you every step of the way using Pedestrians Driving Directions on offline Map, and you’ll never miss a transfer when you take public transit using offline transit maps. When there is a delay in your current route finder or stuffed with traffic, this offline GPS navigation app will suggest you the best alternate route which will help you to lead the destination. Offline GPS app can find faster traveling alternatives with Maps & GPS navigation free. It will help you to adjust your time, to stay on time by using this offline gps and maps navigation app. This app will give you access to 7 continents maps including Europe Maps, North America Maps, Asia Maps, Africa Maps, Australia Maps and maps of countries. You can find the best road maps of the USA in offline mod and find map directions from my location.
Offline location tracker and route planner app is very helpful to search routes, finding locations around the world using a world map, draw the shortest routes and find the nearest public place offline without internet. Follow accurate voice directions on the app, avoid traffic jams by using offline GPS, Maps tracking app and public transport. You can share this offline direction and route finder app and offline current location map with your friends without any hesitation. Find Millions of interesting Places using nearby places through this offline location app. Search through offline USA explorer maps and explore the world on map free, different categories e.g. hotels, pubs, restaurants, cafes, tourist attractions, banks, fuel station, airports, ATMs and public transport (metro, bus etc.)
- GPS Alarm while driving
- Area Calculator free by this offline maps app
- Digital Compass in the GPS guru
- Speedometer also will help you to measure speed
- Sensors to lead you to right directions
- Offline weather and UV Index free
- Satellites to help you to explore the world offline
- Offline Maps and route finding with GPS for free
- Navigation to different locations
- Traffic Alerts to avoid jams on the route
- Offline GPS, maps and Location History
- Offline Streets View and locations
Download Maps, Navigation & Directions app and enjoy free driving directions in this offline gps tracking and maps navigation for free. Give your positive feedback after using this offline route finder and maps pro.
Horrível, não é offline, e quando vai pesquisar o destino não deixa completar as palavras.
Horrível, não funciona offline, e mesmo com internet é inviável pois está cheio de anúncios.
Não cumpre o que prometeu!!! Não funciona sem internet, fiz o teste em três aparelhos novos de diferentes marcas!!! Tenho dito!!!