Rise of Companion

Rise of Kingdoms Companion: AI Utilities & Battle Aid (Beta)
Vex Telaria

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Categoria Simulação
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Descrição do Rise of Companion

Discover the ultimate companion app for the game "Rise of Kingdoms." Rise of Companion is an innovative tool that integrates state-of-the-art AI technology to help you optimize your gameplay experience. Currently, in its Beta phase, we're committed to making your journey in the game seamless, efficient, and enjoyable.

Current Features:

AI-Driven Resource and Speedup Calculation:
Tired of the manual resource and speedup calculations? Rise of Companion offers a smart solution! Simply upload an image, and our AI will detect and analyze the in-game objects. The app identifies and calculates all types of card items - from food, wood, stone, gold to various speedups including general, building, healing, research, and training speedups. All this information is presented in a simple, organized, and elegant layout, making resource management a breeze.

While we're proud of our current offerings, there's even more on the horizon. Here's a sneak peek at our upcoming features:

Battle Prediction AI: We're developing an AI model trained on thousands of battle reports to accurately predict battle outcomes. This feature will aid players in making strategic decisions such as what commanders to place in a garrison/rally and the amount of troops needed for successful combat.

Overlay Button: With our planned overlay button feature, calculate resources or get battle aid instantly, without having to switch between applications or take screenshots.

Equipment and Crafting Guide: Craft with confidence using our equipment comparison feature. Check crafting times and get gameplay tips tailored to your play style and your kingdom's age.

Game Related Q&A: An AI-powered tool that can answer all your game-related questions.

As Rise of Companion is currently in its Beta phase, we appreciate your understanding if you encounter any bugs or glitches. We encourage players to report any issues so we can refine and improve the app for a better gaming experience. Join us on this exciting journey and let Rise of Companion elevate your Rise of Kingdoms adventure!

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FAQ do Rise of Companion APK

O Rise of Companion é seguro para o meu dispositivo?

Sim, o Rise of Companion segue as diretrizes de conteúdo do Google Play para garantir o uso seguro no seu dispositivo Android.

O que é um arquivo XAPK e o que devo fazer se o Rise of Companion que baixei for um arquivo XAPK?

XAPK é um formato de extensão de arquivo que contém um arquivo APK separado e outros arquivos de dados (como arquivos de recursos adicionais para jogos grandes). O objetivo do arquivo XAPK é permitir que os arquivos de dados do aplicativo sejam armazenados separadamente antes de instalar o aplicativo, para um gerenciamento e transmissão mais eficientes de aplicativos grandes. XAPK pode ajudar a reduzir o tamanho do pacote de instalação inicial do aplicativo. Normalmente no celular, os usuários precisam instalar o aplicativo instalador XAPK primeiro, e depois instalar o arquivo XAPK pelo aplicativo Aplicativos específicos podem ser encontrados no seguinte link: https://apkpure.net/br/how-to/how-to-install-xapk-apk E no computador, basta arrastar e soltar o arquivo para o emulador Android LDPlayer;

Posso jogar Rise of Companion no meu computador?

Sim, você pode jogar Rise of Companion no seu computador instalando o LDPlayer, um emulador de Android. Depois de instalar o LDPlayer, basta arrastar e soltar o arquivo APK baixado no emulador para começar a jogar Rise of Companion no PC. Alternativamente, você pode abrir o emulador, procurar o jogo ou aplicativo que deseja jogar e instalá-lo a partir daí.
