Wild Hog Pro

Convergent Hunting Solutions

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Versão 1.92
Avaliação 4
Categoria Esportes
Nome do pacote com.convergent.wildhogpro
Downloads 5+

Descrição do Wild Hog Pro

Wild Hog Pro by Convergent Hunting is designed to work in conjunction with the “Bullet HP” (special purpose Bluetooth controlled speaker) to help you get professional wild hog calling results. Together, the Convergent Hunting apps and Convergent Bullet HP, combine the latest in technology to provide you with a complete calling platform that is unique, versatile, all wrapped-up in a high performance package.

NEW! Video your hunts and control the calls and sounds at the same time. Transparent video controls overlay gives you easy access to presets, and call controls while you record video on your device.


“Calling hogs out of the thick brush is my favorite way to hunt. With the premium Wild Hog Pro sounds played through the Bullet HP the hogs will never know what hit ‘em”

-- Byron South


All hog hunting sounds packaged in Convergent Hunting’s Wild Hog Pro Calling App have been recorded in High Definition and are digitally mastered to provide you with sounds that will elicit responses from even the most wary animals.

Large buttons for sound playback make using the apps in the field very easy. 4 programmable preset call buttons allow you to keep your four favorite sounds “front and center” for quick use.

Standard volume control and playback interface keep things simple and easy to use. Hunting hi-tech has never been so easy, or powerful!

Wild Hog Pro comes equipped with 15 high quality wild hog sounds for maximum results in the field.

Via paid, In-App Upgrade, you can upgrade and use the Glenn Guess Series Sound Pack from Professional Hog Caller, Glenn Guess. There are over 20 years of experience and thousands of called hogs behind the development of these Signature Series Sounds. This Signature Series Sound Pack includes the following sounds:

Sow Hysteria:
mimics the maternal sow response and territorial rally. This sounds draws in hogs of all sexes and ages.

Turn Me Loose:
Shoat in distress triggers maternal and territorial response from hogs of all ages.

Lil Squealer:
baby piglet in distress, triggers maternal, rally and predator response.

Pig Momma:
Adult sow fighting off an adult boar, triggers maternal response from other sows and rally behavior. Also draws in mature boars looking for a receptive sow.

Chow Time:
Imitates hogs at a food source, best for luring in wary hogs to a feeder or bait site.

Visit ConvergentHunting.com for more apps and products.

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FAQ do Wild Hog Pro APK

O Wild Hog Pro é seguro para o meu dispositivo?

Sim, o Wild Hog Pro segue as diretrizes de conteúdo do Google Play para garantir o uso seguro no seu dispositivo Android.

O que é um arquivo XAPK e o que devo fazer se o Wild Hog Pro que baixei for um arquivo XAPK?

XAPK é um formato de extensão de arquivo que contém um arquivo APK separado e outros arquivos de dados (como arquivos de recursos adicionais para jogos grandes). O objetivo do arquivo XAPK é permitir que os arquivos de dados do aplicativo sejam armazenados separadamente antes de instalar o aplicativo, para um gerenciamento e transmissão mais eficientes de aplicativos grandes. XAPK pode ajudar a reduzir o tamanho do pacote de instalação inicial do aplicativo. Normalmente no celular, os usuários precisam instalar o aplicativo instalador XAPK primeiro, e depois instalar o arquivo XAPK pelo aplicativo Aplicativos específicos podem ser encontrados no seguinte link: https://apkpure.net/br/how-to/how-to-install-xapk-apk E no computador, basta arrastar e soltar o arquivo para o emulador Android LDPlayer;

Posso jogar Wild Hog Pro no meu computador?

Sim, você pode jogar Wild Hog Pro no seu computador instalando o LDPlayer, um emulador de Android. Depois de instalar o LDPlayer, basta arrastar e soltar o arquivo APK baixado no emulador para começar a jogar Wild Hog Pro no PC. Alternativamente, você pode abrir o emulador, procurar o jogo ou aplicativo que deseja jogar e instalá-lo a partir daí.
