Raven's Path TacticalActionRPG

Raven’s Path is a grid based Tactical RPG with the pacing of an Action Game.
Evil Villain Games

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Versão 1.1.19
Atualizado em 2023-11-18
Categoria Estratégia
Nome do pacote com.EvilVillianGames.RavensPath
Downloads 5+

Descrição do Raven's Path TacticalActionRPG

March boldly forward in Raven's Path, a real-time tactical RPG featuring hand-drawn pixel art. Swipe your personalized army across the battle grid in strategic fast paced battles!

Engage in strategic real-time battles featuring the most responsive mobile controls on the market.

Spanning 25+ hours of gameplay, become the master of the fastest tactical RPG ever made.

With countless items to collect, construct an army as unique as your fingerprint.

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Comentários sobre a versão Android do Raven's Path TacticalActionRPG

I think there was some confusion as the game transitioned from paid to free, but it is 100% free to play now. There are ads but totally optional for loot bonuse. You can pay $5 for ad-free bonuses (click on the company logo on the front page - which i found slightly non-obvious). The concept is pretty unique, and there's lots of units and gear (and buildings maybe?) to collect. I also like how there's a mix of passive and active units. There's a lot to experiment with!
I'm hooked! Raven's Path is a fun combo of modern intuitive controls in a retro package. The difficulty in regular mode is well balanced so it's challenging enough to be exciting without being too difficult. I like doing the portal missions to get better equipment and make my units stronger. All the mechanics and abilities are explained really well too.
At least let the people know you have to buy the full version later down the road. If you were wondering where the in-app purchase was, now you know. EDIT: Found out that you can only upgrade units and equipment once, and can only choose one stat, and only 20% of the stat gets transferred. Level-ups seem to do nothing other than getting you crowns. I really regret paying $5 for this.

FAQ do Raven's Path TacticalActionRPG APK

O Raven's Path TacticalActionRPG é seguro para o meu dispositivo?

Sim, o Raven's Path TacticalActionRPG segue as diretrizes de conteúdo do Google Play para garantir o uso seguro no seu dispositivo Android.

O que é um arquivo XAPK e o que devo fazer se o Raven's Path TacticalActionRPG que baixei for um arquivo XAPK?

XAPK é um formato de extensão de arquivo que contém um arquivo APK separado e outros arquivos de dados (como arquivos de recursos adicionais para jogos grandes). O objetivo do arquivo XAPK é permitir que os arquivos de dados do aplicativo sejam armazenados separadamente antes de instalar o aplicativo, para um gerenciamento e transmissão mais eficientes de aplicativos grandes. XAPK pode ajudar a reduzir o tamanho do pacote de instalação inicial do aplicativo. Normalmente no celular, os usuários precisam instalar o aplicativo instalador XAPK primeiro, e depois instalar o arquivo XAPK pelo aplicativo Aplicativos específicos podem ser encontrados no seguinte link: https://apkpure.net/br/how-to/how-to-install-xapk-apk E no computador, basta arrastar e soltar o arquivo para o emulador Android LDPlayer;

Posso jogar Raven's Path TacticalActionRPG no meu computador?

Sim, você pode jogar Raven's Path TacticalActionRPG no seu computador instalando o LDPlayer, um emulador de Android. Depois de instalar o LDPlayer, basta arrastar e soltar o arquivo APK baixado no emulador para começar a jogar Raven's Path TacticalActionRPG no PC. Alternativamente, você pode abrir o emulador, procurar o jogo ou aplicativo que deseja jogar e instalá-lo a partir daí.
